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Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to Plan Camping Holidays

Balancing work and family responsibilities can sometimes mean sacrificing time with your kids. If you feel your children may have been set aside, it's time to consider a camping holiday soon. Camping can just be what you and your kids need to have fun as a family again. The following are some pointers you will find useful in this activity.
Be familiar with available camping site facilities
Knowing facilities on camping sites, makes all the difference, as it helps you plan what activities to do. You will avoid boredom and create a positive ambience.
Before you plan any elaborate activity, check websites about the camping sites first. See if your planned activity is fit for playgrounds or swimming pools and see if the company has these. If they do, your next step will be to plan what to do next. You can check suggestions and see which fits your kids.
Build up the excitement around the upcoming camping holidays
Creating anticipation helps children be more cooperative during actual events. The excitement makes them feel like they belong and this helps their actions. Excitement building activities can be something simple. You can mark a calendar in your house to show the indicated date. Put the calendar on the fridge or in other easily seen areas so the kids can see it.
If you feel like getting creative, make your own colourful calendar. You can use magazine clippings, colour pens, and crayons for this craft. Encourage your kids to help you make it so you have another quality time together before the big camping holiday.
Don't forget about packing
Prepared suitcases indicate having everything needed to make the event as comfortable as possible. Create a checklist for this activity. The list ensures you and your kids have everything needed. Call a family meeting to state which things you expect everyone to bring. Take in suggestions as you go along for flexibility. Set a timeline for everyone to pack his or her stuff so you won't cram the night before you leave.
Don't forget to supervise packing too. While unsupervised packing helps build independence, it's not applicable if you have very young children. Show kids how to fold clothes and put in toiletries correctly. These actions may seem trivial but it helps kids develop techniques later.
Lay down ground rules before going
Camping holidays show new environments for your kids. Some children easily cope and behave, while others can try your patience first. To avoid difficulties, inform your kids what you expect from them. Tell them outright what's acceptable behaviour and what what's not. Warn them about consequences if they don't do as told. Stating rules helps kids act properly as they know what to do. Learn the house rules imposed by the camp company and blend these with your own. This way, you make things easier for your kids and the camping personnel, too.
Kai Jarasi knows the best camping sites after going to several camping holidays as a child.

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